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  Edenight is an innovative ophthalmic ointment. Composition: 4.5% sodium chloride and 0.4% sodium hyaluronate. Indications: Edenight is a sterile hypertonic ophthalmic ointment indicated for the temporary relief of symptoms of corneal edema such as vision changes and pain, even at night. Due to its high sodium chloride content, Edenight has a higher osmolarity than […]



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Fortimox is an ophthalmic antibiotic. Composition: moxifloxacin 0.5%. Indications: bacterial conjunctivitis caused by microorganisms sensitive to moxifloxacin. Recommendations for use: Adults and children over 1 year old, instill 1 drop into the affected eye 3 times a day. Typically, improvement occurs within 5 days and treatment should be continued for the next 2-3 days. If […]



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Glumax is an ophthalmic gel. Composition: dexpanthenol 15%. Indications: Glumax is indicated for maintaining the physiological balance of the ocular surface, providing hydration and protecting the corneal epithelium. Dry eyes due to prolonged use of computer and TV watching, prolonged exposure to heat and air conditioning and provides relief from foreign body sensation, burning, eye […]



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Lucarnit is a sterile ophthalmic solution. Composition: L-carnitine 0.25%, sodium hyaluronate 0.7%. Indications: Lucarnit - designed to provide long-term eye protection thanks to the combination of a high concentration of sodium hyaluronate and levocarnit. Lucarnit - thanks to the gel composition of the condensed formula, long-term irritation caused by external factors such as wind, sun, […]